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This website is the property of, and is published on the Internet by Pres Les (Pty) Ltd (“Pres Les”). This site is intended to provide an overview of the products and the businesses of “Pres Les”. Access and use of this site together with any information therein contained is subject to the terms as set out in this notice. By accepting these terms you indicated that you have full legal capacity to agree and be bound by them, and access to this site by you will be given on that basis. Should you be unwilling to agree to the terms of this site, or you do not have capacity to do so, you are prohibited from accessing this site or to view any information.
The material contained in the Pres Les (Pty) Limited site is made available solely for information purposes and may not be used for any purpose whatsoever or incorporated into anyone else’s material, whether published or not. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the prior written consent of Pres Les (Pty) Limited. Likewise the contents of this site are subject to copyright protection and other intellectual property protection. Any graphics or otherwise may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may these graphics be modified or posted to other sites. Where written material or otherwise is submitted to Pres Les (Pty) Limited for their use in whatever manner they deem fit, ownership of such material shall vest in Pres Les (Pty) Ltd, the author expressly disclaiming any rights of ownership thereto.
Access to and use of the site is entirely at your own risk. Without in any way limiting the scope or generality of that term Pres Les makes no representation and gives no warranty that access, use, including but not limited to copying or downloading anything from the site or otherwise interacting.
By accepting these terms and conditions you are thereby accepting the law of contract as applied in the Republic of South Africa. Furthermore by your acceptance you are irrevocably submitting to the jurisdiction of the High Court (Cape of Good Hope Division) Cape Town.
Using any of our material for commercial purposes without written consent violates our copyright and other proprietary rights. This website is provided “as is” and without express or implied warranties of any kind. We do not represent or warrant that our website will be available on a timely basis, uninterrupted, or error-free. In no event will we be liable for any damage or cause of any kind based upon or resulting from any use or inability to use this website.
The information contained in this email is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. All reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the information contained in this email. Pres Les (Pty) Limited accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever should any information for whatever reason be incorrect or corrupted. Pres Les (Pty) Limited accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise from reliance on information contained in this email.
Pres Les (Pty) Ltd
Manual prepared in accordance with Section 51 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2000.
The purpose of the manual is to assist potential requestors as to the procedures to be followed when requesting access to information/documents from Pres Les (Pty) Ltd as contemplated in terms of the Act.
The manual will be amended from time to time and as soon as any amendments have been finalised, the latest version of the manual will be made public.
Any requestor is advised to contact the Company Secretary should he/she require any assistance in respect of the utilization of this manual and/or the requesting of information/documentation from Pres Les (Pty) Ltd.
The following words shall bear the following meaning in the manual:
In terms of Section 10 of the Act, a guide will be compiled by the South African Human Rights Commission containing such information as may be required by a person who wishes to exercise any right contemplated in terms of the Act. The guide will be made available in all official languages by the SAHRC.
Contact Details as follows:
At this stage no notice(s) has/have been published.
Pres Les keeps information/documents in accordance with the following legislation (please note that this is not an exhaustive list):
The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development has to date not published any regulation in terms of this Section.
(Section 53(1) of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000
(Act No. 2 of 2000)
[Regulation 10]
The Head:
Please include:
This section must be completed ONLY if a request for information is made on behalf of another person. |
Please include:
Please include:
Please include:
If you are prevented by a disability to read, view or listen to the record in the form of access provided for in 1 to 4 hereunder, state your disability and indicate in which form the record is required. |
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Please mark how you’d like to receive your access to the record, with X...
If you requested a copy or transcription of a record (above), do you wish the copy or transcription to be posted to you? YES/NO
Please note postage is payable.
If the provided space is inadequate, please continue on a separate folio and attach it to this form. The requester must sign all the additional folios. |
You will be notified in writing whether your request has been approved/denied. If you wish to be informed in another manner, please specify the manner and provide the necessary particulars to enable compliance with your request.
How would you prefer to be informed of the decision regarding your request for access to the record?
Signed at…………………………… This……………… day of…………………………20………
Please click here to download a PDF version of the Government Gazette for a schedule of fees chargeable.
Click the button below to download the DSASA code of ethics, as prescribed through our membership with the DSA. Learn what governs conduct towards consumers, conduct between our company and our sales consultants, and with other companies.
Download the Code of EthicsThe Pres Les Language Policy
Pres Les employs people of diverse cultures and languages in manufacturing, sales, marketing and administration and all communication, internally or externally, is in English.
Credit Instalment documentation is in English and we offer the Terms and Conditions relating to the Pre-Agreement Statement/Quotation and Instalment Agreement in English, Xhosa, Zulu and Afrikaans in printed form.
Pres Les operates a Customer Care Centre at its Head Office, which offers assistance to our sales consultants and customers in English, Xhosa, Zulu and Afrikaans.
A copy of this policy and the Terms and Conditions relating to the Pre-Agreement Statement/Quotation and Instalment Agreement, in the 4 languages mentioned above, are available from our offices at Pres Les House, 3 Wilge Road, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708.
Umgaqo-nkqubo wolwimi wakwaPres Les
UPres Les uqeshe abantu abankcubeko nabalwimi zahlukeneyo kwindawo ekuveliswakuyo, kwezentengiso, kwezorhwebo nakwezolawulo kwaye unxibelelwano lonke, olwangaphakathi okanye olwangaphandle lwenziwa ngesiNgesi.
Amaxwebhu ezavenge zokubhatala amatyala angesiNgesi kwaye sinikezela imiGaqo nemiQathango ebhekiselele kwiNgxelo-yangaphambili yesiVumelwano/ iNgxelo yexabiso kunye nesiVumelwano sokuhlawula ngezavenge sishicilelwe ngesiNgesi, ngesiXhosa, isiZulu kunyenesiBhulu.
UPres Les uqhuba iZiko lokuNceda abaThengi kwiOfisi yakhe enguNdlunkulu, ethi inike noncedo kubacebisi bentengiso nabathengi ngesiNgesi, isiXhosa, isiZulu nesiBhulu.
Ikopi yalomgaqo-nkqubo kunye nemiGaqo, nemiQathango ebhekiselele kwiNgxelo-yangaPhambili yesiVumelwano /iNgxeloye-Xabiso nesiVumelwano sokuhlawula ngezaVenge, ingeelwimi ezi-4 ezikhankanyiweyo ngasentla, iyafumaneka kwii-ofisi zethu kwindlu yakwaPres Les, engunombolo 3 Wilge Road Claremont eKapa, 7708.
Inqubomgomo Yolimi yakwa-Pres Les
U-Pres Les uqasha abantu bezinhlanga kanye nezilimi ezehlukene ekukhiqizeni, ekudayiseni, kwezo kumaketha kanye nakwezokuphatha nokuxhumana konke, ngaphandle nangaphakathi, kungesiNgisi.
Izincwadi zezitolimende zesikweleti zingesiNgisi futhi sinikeza imigomo nemibandela ehlobene nezitatimende ezenziwa ngaphambi kwesivumelwano/amakhotheshini kanye nezivumelwano ezezitolimende ngesiNgisi, isiXhosa, isiZulu kanye nesiBhunu eziyimibhalo.
U-Pres Les unesikhungo sokubhekelelwa kwamakhasimende ehovisi layo eliyinhloko, esinikeza usizo kubasebenzi bethu okubuzwa kubo mayelana nokuthengiselana kanye namakhasimende ethu ngesiNgisi, isiXhosa, isiZulu kanye nesiBhunu.
Ikhophi yalenqubomgomo kanye nemigomo nemibandela ehlobene nezitatimende ezenziwa ngaphambi kwesivumelwano/amakhotheshini kanye nezivumelwane, engalezizilimi ezine ezingenhla, kuyatholakala emahovisi ethu e-Pres Les House, 3 Wilge Road, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708.
Pres Les-taalbeleid
Pres Les het mense van verskillende kulture en tale in hul diens by vervaardiging, verkope, bemarking en administrasie, en alle kommunikasie, intern of ekstern, is in Engels.
Kredietpaaiementdokumentasie is in Engels, en ons voorsien die Bepalings en Voorwaardes ten opsigte van die Voorafooreenkoms/Kwotasie en Afbetalingsooreenkoms in Engels, Xhosa, Zulu en Afrikaans in gedrukte formaat.
Pres Les bedryf ’n Kliëntesorgsentrum by hulle hoofkantoor, wat hulp bied aan ons verkoopskonsultante en kliënte in Engels, Xhosa, Zulu en Afrikaans.
’n Afskrif van hierdie beleid en die Bepalings en Voorwaardes ten opsigte van die Voorafooreenkoms/Kwotasie en Afbetalingsooreenkoms in die vier tale wat bo genoem word, is by ons kantoor by Pres Les House, Wilgestraat 3, Claremont, Kaapstad, 7708 beskikbaar.